
Find out more about some of the projects run by KRAG and how you can get involved

Great Crested Newt Monitoring Project

Are you looking for a chance to start surveying for Great Crested Newts and other amphibians? By getting involved volunteers will have the chance to take part in a project that aids the understanding of amphibian ecology, distribution and conservation status throughout the county. Full training will be given.

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Dragons in Your Garden

Kent Reptile and Amphibian Group (KRAG) has been delighted to join forces with Kent Wildlife Trust (KWT) to promote wildlife friendly gardening. As part of KWT’s wildlife gardening award scheme KRAG introduced a new “Dragons in Your Garden” award in 2010 for the most reptile and amphibian friendly garden.

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Kent Toads on Roads

Spring is a busy time for the Common Toad, waking up from hibernation and undertaking a treacherous journey to their breeding ponds. In Kent, there are many sites where Common Toads need to cross busy roads to complete their journey, and unfortunately many don’t make it to the other side. However, our team of volunteer toad patrollers make a huge difference each year helping thousands of toads to reach their ponds safely

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Helping Adders up Ladders

KRAG has been monitoring Adder sites in Kent for many years. More recently, in response to the concerning decline of this species, KRAG created the ‘Help Adders up Ladders’ (HAUL) project to raise awareness and improve the conservation status of this often misunderstood animal.

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Key Site Register

In an attempt to identify the most important sites in Kent for amphibians and reptiles, KRAG has created a Key Site Register.

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