One of two small newt species found in the county the Smooth or Common newt is found throughout most of Kent. Along with the Common Frog they will frequently colonise small garden ponds. They are also found in a wide range of other habitats such as fish-free pools and ditches with diverse submerged and emergent vegetation.
Neutral hard water ponds are the stronghold of Smooth Newts in the United Kingdom. They are rarely seen in more acidic pools whereas the other Small Newt species, the Palmate Newt may thrive in them.
Usually thought of as a lowland animal they also do well in some upland areas such as dew ponds on chalk downland.
Female Smooth and Palmate Newts are particularly difficult to distinguish in the field. Few herpetologists could make a positive identification during a torch survey for example.
In the hand identification is relatively easy. Smooth Newts tend to have white throats with abundant large spots or blotches whereas Palmate Newts have pinkish translucent throats with very few or no spots.
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Palmate Newt
Lissotriton helveticus
One of two Small Newt species found in the county the Smooth or Common newt is found throughout most of Kent.
Interestingly, in Kent the distribution of the Palmate Newt is largely associated with historic ancient woodland sites.
Great Crested Newt
Triturus cristatus
The largest of our native newts, the Great Crested Newt is strictly protected under European legislation; as its rate of decline is greater than other native amphibians. Kent has good populations of this species.
View ProfileViviparous Lizard
Zootoca vivipara
Also known as the Common' Lizard, the Viviparous Lizard is better described as locally abundant.
Kent can still boast a number of sites where Viviparous Lizards occur in high numbers.